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Joy Zamora

About Joy Zamora

With over nine years of experience in the world of photography, Joy has been able to create a unique photographic character where he is able to capture the essence of many couples around the world. His ability to document stories with an emotional and cinematic vision has led publications such as Vogue, Brides and junebug to share his work. But Joy is much more than a wedding photographer. He is a person who constantly seeks the unknown and challenges his limits. His ability to achieve any goal he sets his mind to and his perseverance has led him to be an inspiration to many. He has been a speaker at countless international conferences and workshops, including BodaF or THE SUMMIT. In recent years, Joy has dedicated his time to create an innovative online school for creatives, while working on his personal project, a podcast that reflects his own essence and inspires many people.

Joy Zamora's Profiles

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About the profile

Journal is a personality-filled preset inspired by all the journeys I've had around the world. I needed a versatile colour but with enough personality to be identifiable and to work for me in many different lighting situations. It's inspired by some of my trips that have shaped my path as a destination wedding photographer; Bali, Morocco, Mexico, or Italy. Soft colours and elegant tones give the images a cinematic feel while maintaining naturalness.

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